Wake Up!
from the sleep of everyday life

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"A new perspective on whole-part relationships is taking shape around the concept of the holon - a term coined by Arthur Koestler to designate that which is simultaneously a whole in its own right and a part of a larger whole. An atom is a whole in itself. When it is also part of a molecule it becomes a holon, or a whole-part. The molecule that is also part of a cell is a holon, as is the cell that is part of an organ, and so on. This hierarchy of relationships from the atom to the organism is known as a holarchy. The concepts of holon and holarchy are fundamental to understanding the healthy function of complex living systems, which requires that each of their whole-parts maintain its own identity and boundaries even as it functions as part of the larger whole."
The Post-Corporate World by David C. Korten
"From a culture's point of view, it is far better if your everyday mind, the habitual, automatized way you think and feel, is shaped to reflect the culture's consensus beliefs and values. Then you will automatically experience the right perceptions and interpretations, and so it will be 'natural' to act in the culturally appropriate way, even when there are no agents of social coercion around."
WAKING UP by Charles T. Tart
"Any great change must expect opposition
because it shakes the very foundation of privilege."
Lucretia Mott, 1853
"We're part of the matrix that creates and maintains the living world.
Wherever we are, air and water move through us like a river of life.
What we do to it, we do to ourselves."
David Suzuki
"The chief aim of Indian thought is to unveil and integrate into consciousness what has been thus resisted and hidden by the forces of life - not to explore and describe the visible world."
Philosophies of India by Heinrich Zimmer, Edited by Joseph Campbell
"India, that is to say, has had, and still has, its own disciplines of psychology, ethics, physics, and metaphysical theory. But the primary concern - in striking contrast to the interests of the modern philosophers of the West - has always been, not information, but transformation: a radical changing of man's nature and, therewith, a renovation of his understanding both of the outer world and of his own existence; a transformation as complete as possible, such as will amount when successful to a total conversion or rebirth."
Philosophies of India by Heinrich Zimmer, Edited by Joseph Campbell
"The Buddha always insisted that his disciples test everything he taught them against their own experience and take nothing on hearsay."
Buddha by Karen Armstrong

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